

Picky eaters can miss out on a lot of delicious, nutritious food when their “I-don’t-eat-this” list is as long as their arm.

And for those who cook for picky eaters, well, it can be challenging.

Try these tips to not only help nourish your family but also provide a stress-free mealtime. 

1. 和孩子们一起购物和做饭

Kids are more likely to taste a dish if they helped plan or prepare it. Letting kids choose vegetables in the produce section or the frozen food aisle will empower them. Have them help you in the kitchen, too. Assign them age-appropriate tasks, such as stirring, chopping or measuring ingredients. Being involved gets the kids invested in the final product 和 piques their curiosity to try it.

2. 为全家人做一顿饭

Serve one meal for everyone in the family — with no exceptions. But plan meals that include at least one thing that everyone likes. The habit of preparing different foods for everyone is exhausting, 和 it can take much longer for children to learn to like new foods. 

3. 不断提供新食物

It’s normal for children to be cautious of new things — including food. Research has shown it sometimes takes 11 tries for a child to decide they like a new food. 所以,继续上吧. Even allow a child to touch the food or play with it to learn how it might feel in their mouth. 一定要让他们吃一口.

4. 避免清洁盘子俱乐部

Help kids focus on eating until they are full rather than finishing every last bite on their plate. Small children have small bellies so they may get full faster than you realize. Here’s a good rule of thumb: Serve one tablespoon of food for every year the child is for each dish of the meal. So, 例如, you would serve a 3-year-old child three tablespoons each of peas, 面条和鸡肉.

5. 提供聪明的零食

One of the best ways to get kids (和 adults) to eat fruit 和 vegetables is to serve them when they are hungry. Vegetables 和 hummus are a simple way to nourish children at snack time. 试试这些简单的 小吃食谱











